Category Archives: Uncategorized

2010 Deer Hunts

The 2010 deer season is well under way. We seen lots of activity around and have spotted some nice bucks while scouting. Weather has been pretty warm and we just had our second full moon pass on October 23rd. The buck sign is all around with lots of rubs and now quite a lot of… Continue Reading

2011 Fishing Dates

We are taking bookings for the 2011 season so if you have specific dates you would like then you should put in for them as they are starting to fill. We’d also like to thank all our guests past and present for staying with us over the past season. We really appreciate your business in… Continue Reading

2010 Bear Hunt Season

The 2010 bear hunting season has been over for a while now. We had a pretty good season with our hunters seeing a total of over 80 bears in all. There was 100% opportunity for all our hunters. The end of season was a little harder as the weather cooled down quite a bit so… Continue Reading

August 2010 Fishing

Fishing has been really great with some nice sized smallmouth bass being caught. We’ve had some awesome asized pike caught and released in Gordie Lake. Beaver have been very busy building dams for Andy to break down. Continue Reading

Brown Bear Lake fishing July 2010

Brown Bear lake has been hot for the lunker walleyes this season. Also some really nice sized lake trout have come from Beauty lake a couple of weeks ago. Main lake has been good for smallmouth bass and some beauties have been caught and released for others to catch. Will add pictures as soon as… Continue Reading

Treelined Lake fishing July 2010

Treelined lake’s smallmouth bass have recently turned on and are in a fighting mood! They’ve been tearing up the crank baits as well as white flukes and leeches are working very well. Pike fishing has been consistent with some nice sized fish being caught and released. Will add pictures as soon as we get them. Continue Reading

Populus lake fishing June 2010

Populus lake fishing has been very good all season. Some very nice sized walleyes have been caught as well as good sized lake trout. None of our groups went down the lake to try for the elusive muskie this season so far. Lots of pike and some great jumbo perch were caught all within view… Continue Reading

Norse lake fishing June 2010

Norse lake fishing has been steady all season long. Leeches have been working better than minnows all season so far. Also some of the salted baits and hot pink jigs have been the colour of choice for the walleyes. Lake has been up and down as far as water levels with all the fronts going… Continue Reading