May and June fly-in fishing at outposts

We’ve had some groups through our fly-in outposts and they’ve been doing excellent on lake trout, walleye, northern pike and smallmouth bass.  The bass have not started spawning yet so are staging in deeper water.  Most of the fish are being caught with bucktail jigs, some spinner baits and flukes in white/silver colours which is about the colour of the bait fish in the lakes.

Minnows are the bait to be using right now as the water is still quite cold for the leeches and worms to work well.

Popululs lake trout fishing has been awesome.  One group caught and released a 12 pound lake trout.  When I get the pictures I’ll add them to our photo gallery.  The walleye fishing has also been really good in this lake with all sizes being caught.

Treelined lake the bass fishing has been a little slow unless you are fishing in the darker water and then they are biting.  The pike fishing has been great with the pike pretty much all over the lake in deep and shallow.

Norse lake walleyes are really active and minnows are the bait to use on this lake.  The smallmouth have been good on this lake as well.

Brown Bear walleyes are biting and the northern pike are very active.  Trout on Beauty lake have been easy to catch and they are releasing all sizes of lake trout.  No one has triedd the last portage lake yet so I don’t know how that lake is.

Gordie has had some big pike caught and I’ll hopefully have some pictures to post.

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